November Native American Heritage Month
Nov. 1 Hat Day, $1.00- for United Way
Nov. 2 Crazy Hair Day, $1.00- for United Way
Nov. 3 Pajama Day, $1.00- for United Way
Nov. 7 Virtual Clerical Day- No students in school
Nov. 10 Veterans Day- schools closed
Nov. 14 PTA Meeting- 5th grade performance
March of Dimes fundraiser- NRHS Band performance- collections begin
State of the Schools Breakfast & Learning Fair, 7:30 a.m., Hilton Garden Inn
Nov. 17 Early Dismissal- Parent-Teacher Conferences from 2:00-6:00 pm
Report Cards distributed
Nov. 21 NRHS Band Performance- March of Dimes fundraiser
Nov. 22 Big Blast Party for students who sold 5 items on fundraiser
Early Dismissal
Nov. 23-24 Thanksgiving holiday- schools closed
Nov. 29 Fall picture retakes/make-ups
Dec. 5 March of Dimes holiday ornament sale begins
Dec. 6-12 Book Fair
Dec. 12 PTA Meeting- Kindergarten performance- 6:00
Dec. 13 Interim Reports issued
Dec. 21-Jan. 1 Winter Break